Thursday, 8 January 2015

Improving The Patient Engagement

Ajith Kozhikote: It is extremely essential for the physicians and the health institutions to inform their patients and educate them. This would increase their knowledge, improve their health outcome and will allow them to play an active role in their health care. Today, most of the health institutions are looking for various ways to improve the patient engagement.

Some of these are as follows:

Encourage the patients to communicate: Doctors have a packed schedule, and their busy appointments increase the gap between them and their patients. It has been seen that the patients often stay silent on their meeting with the doctors, but that's not how it should work. They must take an initiative to know more about their illness and their treatment from their doctor. They either feel embarrassed or shy away with asking questions. Most of the times, it is always the physicians initiative to start a conversation with the patient, and educate them about their treatment.

Educate the patients: Sharing knowledge about the medical conditions can really empower the patients to take good actions in their health treatment. The physicians try to interact with the patients, and educate them about their health and illness. This way they are keeping their patients informed, and are urging them to look more information and raise questions to clear their doubts.

Never Neglect the Patient's Family: The involvement of the family is as important as that of the patient. If the patient cannot speak because of his serious medical condition, then the physicians and the hospital staff communicate with their families, and educate them about the whole process of treatment. Be it the discharge process or the recovery stage, just interact with them.

Friendly Follow Ups: The discharged patients must connect with their doctors for a timely prescription. On the other end, a follow up call from the from the hospital staff after the discharge is really helpful in knowing the post treatment medical condition of the patient.

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